Truck driving has a long and interesting history in Australia, dating back to the mid-19th century when the first steam-driven trucks were introduced. Over the next few decades, the use of steam trucks became more widespread in Australia, particularly in the rural areas where horse-drawn carts were no longer sufficient to transport large quantities of goods. The trucks were used to transport wool, grain, and other agricultural products to market, as well as to move heavy machinery and equipment.
In the early 20th century, the development of the internal combustion engine led to the introduction of gas and diesel-powered trucks, which gradually replaced the steam-driven models. By the 1920s, trucks had become an essential part of the Australian economy, and they were used to transport goods and materials across the country.
Throughout the years there has been a change in the types of trucks we use but also how we drive them and the laws and regulations that dictate so. Laws regarding fatigue and safety are constantly changing with the hope to make Australia’s roads safer. These regulations have continued to evolve over the years, and today, Electronic Work Diaries (EWDs) and Electronic Logbooks are rapidly becoming the norm, replacing traditional paper logbooks.
As the internal combustion engine was developed and introduced, gas and diesel-powered trucks became more prevalent, replacing steam-driven models. Similarly, the introduction of EWDs is replacing traditional paper logbooks, as it offers a more efficient and accurate method of keeping track of a driver's work hours and rest periods.
EWDs are designed to help drivers manage their fatigue levels and comply with the ever-evolving safety regulations. The use of EWDs and Electronic Logbooks has significant advantages over traditional paper logbooks, such as:
- Eliminating the risk of lost or damaged records
- Reduction in errors such as spelling errors etc.
- Reducing the time and effort required for record-keeping.
- Minute by minute rest breaks
- Send off your ‘yellow copy’ directly from your app
- Licensing management
The shift towards digital record-keeping in the trucking industry is a significant development that reflects the ongoing evolution of the industry. As technology continues to advance, it is likely that we will see further innovations in the trucking industry, including the development of autonomous trucks and other advanced technologies.
It can be said that the history of truck driving in Australia has been a long and fascinating journey, with the industry undergoing significant changes over the years. From the transition from steam-driven trucks to gas and diesel-powered models and the ongoing evolution of safety regulations, the trucking industry has come a long way.
Today, the use of EWDs and Electronic Logbooks is rapidly becoming the norm, and this is where the future of paper logbooks is headed. As the industry continues to evolve, it is essential that we embrace these changes and use them to ensure the continued safety and prosperity of the Australian trucking industry.