Q by Quallogi aligns its Electronic Work Diary with the values of simplicity and affordability for any driver or fleet manager. The app is one of the most inclusive Electronic Work Diaries on the market being available on both IOS and Android devices. Incorporating a short video induction upon sign up, it also ensures users will be provided with on going support and assistance, should they strike any problems.
Converting to an Electronic Work Diary is not only as simple as using a handheld phone or device but also cuts off a large amount of time when recording work and rest hours. With an EWD there is no need to spend any more time calculating hours and double-checking logs as Q will do this all for you.
The app guides you through a forced workflow, prompting you with simple questions or checkboxes to ensure all information is captured. The information and data is then pushed through the system and automatically fed into the compliance view with graphs and calculations done for you with the click of a button! No more need for rulers and pens in the cabin!
Using a phone as your work diary means less hassle and no more lining up to purchase a Written Work Diary from your local venue, in the rain, on a Saturday or after work.
Download the app and try it for yourself! Or watch our casual driver induction video below to experience the easy process and flow of Q.